Notice of Ordinance Adoption Activity in Town Road Right of Way
Driveway Requirements within Town Road Right of Way Ordinance
Adopted by the Town Board of the
Town of Sherman of Dunn County, Wisconsin
Ordinance No. 2021-02
The Town Board of the Town of Sherman, Dunn County, Wisconsin, does ordain as follows:
Section 1. Title
This ordinance is entitled the “Driveway Requirements within the Town Road Right-of-Way” and replaces Ordinance #O-02-2002 entitled “Activity Within Town Road Right-of-Way Ordinance”.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish regulation and permit requirement on the building and maintenance of all driveways within the town road rights-of-way. The regulation of such activities through permits is in the best interest of the Town to ensure safe, efficient, economical, and reasonable use of the Town rights-of-way.
Full text of the ordinance can be obtained by contacting the Town of Sherman Clerk, Ashley Score at (715)702-1413 or at the Town of Sherman website:
This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption and publication as required by law.
Adopted this 17th day of November, 2021.
By the Town Board Chairperson, Chase Potter
Attested by Town Clerk, Ashley Score
Roll Call Vote: 5 yes, 0 no. Adoption passed